For more information about the data in this directory, please see This directory contains the raw data files used to create the maps of the All-Sky Imagers Application. The directory follows the structure: - imager (main folder) - station - year - day of the year - data The data file name is FL_STN_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.tif, where: FL: Filter for the airglow layer observation: OH or OI630 nm (2 letters) STN: station label (2 or 3 letters) YYYY: year (4 digits) MM: month (2 digits) DD: day (2 digits) hh: hour (2 digits) mm: minutes (2 digits) ss: seconds (2 digits) Station coordinates: longitude latitude station -60.710 2.870 BV (deactivated) - Boa Vista (RR) -54.535 -2.684 STR - Santarem (PA) -48.073 -5.651 ARA - Araguatins (TO) -36.528 -7.381 CA - Sao Joao do Cariri (PB) -43.546 -13.258 BJL - Bom Jesus da Lapa (BA) -45.009 -22.703 CP - Cachoeira Paulista (SP) -53.821 -29.442 SMS - Sao Martinho da Serra (RS) -58.404 -62.090 CF - Comandante Ferraz Antartic Station