For more information about the data in this directory, please see This directory contains the raw data files that are used to create the maps of the Magnetometer Application The directory follows the structure: - magnetometer (main folder) - station - year - data The data file name is STNDDMMM.YYm, where: STN: station label (3 letters) DD: day of the month MMM: month (3 letters) YY: year (2 digits) m: letter m (means the data sample is in minutes) Data files start with a 4-line header similar to: ALTA FLORESTA EMBRACE-09 <213> 1 Min. Reported data DD MM YYYY HH MM D(Deg) H(nT) Z(nT) I(Deg) F(nT) Then follows the data in 10 columns: column 1: day of the month UTC column 2: month UTC column 3: year UTC column 4: hour UTC column 5: minute UTC column 6: magnetic declination in degrees column 7: magnetic horizontal component in nanoTesla column 8: magnetic vertical component in nanoTesla column 9: magnetic inclination in degrees column 10: total magnetic amplitude in nanoTesla station coordinates: longitude latitude station -56.10403 -9.87033 alf (deactivated) -48.07352 -5.65130 ara -56.06945 -15.55472 cba -71.99485 -36.64122 chi -45.01443 -22.70207 cxp -38.42467 -3.87998 eus -51.71840 -17.93185 jat -54.11451 -25.29967 med -59.97465 -3.10803 man (deactivated) -48.35889 -10.17889 pal -63.94000 -8.8350 pve -67.75145 -53.78572 rga -45.96353 -23.20862 sjc -44.20972 -2.59417 slz -54.53920 -2.68630 stm -53.82273 -29.44357 sms -65.31555 -26.79612 tcm -43.65223 -22.40197 vss